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Electric Fencing for Raccoons: Keep Pests Out!

    electric fencing for raccoons

    Are you tired of raccoons wreaking havoc in your garden? Do you find yourself wondering if there is a foolproof solution to keep these pests at bay? Look no further – electric fencing might be the answer you’ve been searching for.

    Raccoons can be a nightmare for gardeners, causing damage to crops and posing a threat to livestock and poultry. Conventional methods like traps and repellents may only provide temporary relief, leaving you frustrated and desperate for a long-term solution.

    But here’s the burning question: Can electric fencing really keep raccoons out of your garden? Is it a game-changer or just a myth perpetuated by hopeful gardeners? Let’s dive into the world of electric fencing for raccoons and explore its effectiveness.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Electric fencing can be an effective solution for keeping raccoons out of your garden.
    • Proper installation and maintenance are crucial for maximizing the effectiveness of electric fences.
    • Consider using Zareba® AC Garden Protector Electric Fence Kits and Solar Garden Protection Kits specifically designed for small animals like raccoons.
    • Clearing vegetation near the wiring and removing potential climbing aids near the fence can enhance its effectiveness.
    • Electric fencing may not guarantee complete success on its own, but it can be an integral part of a multi-layered approach to raccoon control.

    Factors to Consider for Effective Electric Fencing

    When installing an electric fence to keep raccoons out, there are important factors to consider. The effectiveness of the electric fence can be influenced by the presence of nearby trees or other obstacles that raccoons can use to bypass the fence. Ground conditions, such as loose soil, can also impact the effectiveness of the fence. It is crucial to ensure thorough coverage, without any means of breaching the fence. The size of the area being protected also plays a role, as larger areas may require additional measures to prevent raccoon intrusion. It is recommended to choose an energizer power source that suits your needs, such as battery-powered, solar-powered, or plug-in options.

    Installing an electric fence for raccoon control requires careful consideration of various factors to ensure its effectiveness. Let’s take a closer look at each of these considerations:

    1. Obstacles and Tree Protection

    Raccoons are agile climbers and can use nearby trees or other obstacles to bypass fences. Therefore, it is important to assess the proximity of trees or structures that raccoons could exploit to gain access to your property. Clear any overhanging branches or trees that could serve as launchpads for raccoons.

    2. Ground Conditions

    The ground conditions can impact the effectiveness of the electric fence. Loose soil, for example, can cause the fence posts to shift or sink, creating vulnerabilities for raccoons to exploit. Ensure that the fence posts are securely anchored in solid ground to maintain the integrity of the barrier.

    3. Thorough Coverage

    To effectively deter raccoons, it is essential to achieve thorough coverage with no gaps or openings that they can exploit. Regularly inspect the fence to repair any damage or breaches and ensure that the wires are properly tensioned. This will help maintain a strong and consistent deterrent.

    4. Area Size

    The size of the area being protected will influence the effectiveness of the electric fence. Larger areas may require additional measures, such as multiple wires or a wider fence perimeter, to prevent raccoon intrusion. Assess the size of the area and consult with experts to determine the best configuration for optimal protection.

    5. Power Source

    Choose an energizer power source that suits your specific needs. Battery-powered, solar-powered, and plug-in options are available, each with its own advantages. Consider factors such as the availability of sunlight, the need for portability, and the overall power consumption of your electric fence system.

    By considering these factors and implementing the appropriate measures, you can ensure an effective electric fence that serves as a reliable deterrent against raccoons.

    Note: The image above depicts an example of an effective electric fence for raccoon control.


    Electric fencing provides an effective solution for keeping raccoons out of your property, but it’s important to recognize that it may not guarantee complete success on its own. Depending on your specific circumstances, supplemental or alternative measures may be necessary to enhance the effectiveness of the electric fence.

    Zareba® offers a range of complete lawn and garden fence kits that are not only affordable but also proven to be effective in keeping out small nuisance animals like raccoons. These kits are specifically designed for raccoon-resistant electric fencing, providing you with a reliable solution to your raccoon problems.

    When installing an electric fence to deter raccoons, it’s crucial to consider the area you want to protect, potential obstacles that can be exploited by raccoons, and the ground conditions where the fence will be installed. By taking these factors into account and implementing the proper fencing techniques, you can create an electric fencing solution that effectively keeps raccoons at bay.

    Don’t let raccoons ruin your garden or pose a threat to your livestock and poultry. Invest in Zareba®’s lawn and garden fence kits today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a raccoon-resistant electric fence.


    What is the most effective way to keep raccoons out of my garden?

    Installing an electric fence is one of the most effective ways to protect your garden from raccoons.

    What electric fence kits are available for raccoon control?

    Zareba® offers AC Garden Protector Electric Fence Kits and Solar Garden Protection kits specifically designed for small animals like raccoons.

    What is included in the electric fence kits?

    The kits include fence chargers, wires, plastic posts, and connectors to make it easy for you to set up your electric fence.

    How should I set up the electric fence to keep raccoons out?

    It is recommended to space one wire 4-6 inches above ground level and clear vegetation near the wiring. Additionally, removing anything near the siding of the fence that raccoons can use to climb over is recommended.

    Are there any factors to consider when installing an electric fence for raccoons?

    Factors to consider include the presence of nearby trees or obstacles that raccoons can use to bypass the fence, ground conditions such as loose soil, the size of the area being protected, and the choice of energizer power source.

    Can an electric fence guarantee complete success in keeping raccoons out?

    While electric fencing can be an effective solution, supplemental or alternative measures may be necessary depending on the specific circumstances.

    What alternative options are available for keeping raccoons out?

    Zareba® offers complete lawn and garden fence kits that are affordable and effective options for keeping out small nuisance animals like raccoons.

    What should I consider when installing an electric fence for raccoons?

    It is important to consider the area being protected, potential obstacles, and ground conditions when installing an electric fence to deter raccoons.

    Can electric fencing be a solution for raccoon problems?

    Yes, electric fencing can be an effective solution to keep raccoons out and provide a raccoon-resistant electric fence.

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