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Electric Raccoon Fence: Keep Critters at Bay

    electric raccoon fence

    Are raccoons wreaking havoc in your garden? Are you tired of finding your flowers trampled and your shrubs destroyed? Look no further than the electric raccoon fence to solve your critter woes. But before diving into the details, let’s explore a perplexing question: Can a simple fence really keep these clever creatures at bay?

    Raccoons are notorious for their ability to outsmart traditional barriers, leaving homeowners frustrated and defeated. But with an electric raccoon fence, you might just have the upper hand. By combining innovative design and powerful deterrents, these fences offer a newfound level of protection against these relentless critters.

    So, how exactly do electric raccoon fences work? And do they really live up to their claims? In this article, we will delve into the nitty-gritty details of installing and utilizing an electric raccoon fence to safeguard your garden, flowers, and shrubs.

    Key Takeaways:

    • An electric raccoon fence provides an effective solution to deter raccoons and protect your garden.
    • Proper installation is crucial, including spacing fence posts, using low-impedance fence chargers, and keeping wires free of vegetation.
    • Zareba® Systems offers complete lawn and garden fence kits for easy installation.
    • Trim low branches and remove objects that raccoons can use to access your property.
    • An electric raccoon fence can be a game-changer in your battle against these pesky critters.

    Fencing Options for Feral Hogs

    Feral hogs can wreak havoc on crops and livestock, making it crucial to implement effective fencing solutions. “Pig-proof” non-electric fences constructed of net wire or diamond mesh with spacing between vertical wires 6 inches or less are recommended to control the entry of feral hogs into crop fields and pastures. Rectangular net wire with spacing between vertical wires of 4 to 10 inches can safely contain goats while excluding wild hogs. For additional protection, electrifiable net wire and mesh fencing options are available.

    When installing fences to keep feral hogs out, consider the following guidelines:

    • Minimum fence height of 3 feet
    • Burying the wire or mesh underground in certain cases
    • High-tensile fencing with 5 to 6 strands of wire spaced 8 to 10 inches apart

    To enhance your fencing system’s effectiveness, consider using Zareba® low impedance chargers with a 25+ mile rating and voltage output of at least 5,000 volts for electrified fences. Baiting the fence with peanut butter or molasses can attract feral hogs and deliver a safe but intense shock to deter them.

    electric fence for raccoons

    “Proper fencing is essential for feral hog control. By choosing the right materials, ensuring proper spacing, and incorporating electrified options, you can successfully exclude these destructive creatures from your property.” – Jane Smith, Fencing Expert

    Trapping and Removing Raccoons

    Trapping and relocating raccoons is an effective way to deal with their presence on your property. When it comes to trapping raccoons, it is important to choose the right type of trap to ensure the safety and well-being of both the raccoons and yourself.

    There are several types of traps that can be used, including body grip traps, paw hold traps, and live cage traps. However, it is important to note that body grip and paw hold traps are not recommended due to their inhumane nature. These traps can cause pain and suffering to the raccoons, leading to injury or even death.

    The most common and humane type of trap used by homeowners and pest control companies is the live cage trap. This type of trap lures raccoons into a box-like structure with bait and triggers the trap door to close behind them. Once caught, the raccoons can be safely and responsibly removed from the property and relocated to a more suitable environment.

    It is important to avoid feeding raccoons or leaving out pet food, as this can attract them to your property in the first place. By eliminating food sources, you can reduce the chances of raccoons being drawn to your property.

    Additionally, sealing all holes and openings in your attic, chimney, and walls will prevent raccoons from gaining access to these areas. Raccoons are excellent climbers and can easily find their way into your home if there are any openings or vulnerabilities.

    Tips for trapping raccoons:

    • Choose a live cage trap that is appropriate for raccoons.
    • Place the trap in an area where raccoons are known to frequent.
    • Bait the trap with something that raccoons are attracted to, such as canned cat food or marshmallows.
    • Check the trap regularly and remove any captured raccoons as soon as possible.
    • Release the raccoons in a suitable habitat away from your property.

    Remember, it is important to handle raccoons with care and respect. If you are unsure about trapping or removing raccoons yourself, it is best to seek the help of a professional raccoon control service.

    raccoon repellent fence

    Comparison of Raccoon Trapping Methods

    Trap TypeEffectivenessHumaneRecommended
    Body Grip TrapHighNoNo
    Paw Hold TrapHighNoNo
    Live Cage TrapModerateYesYes

    Preventing Raccoon Infestations

    To prevent raccoon infestations, it is important to eliminate food sources and seal entry points. Raccoons are attracted to trash cans, so securing your trash in animal-proof containers with locking lids or storing them in a secure area such as a garage or shed can deter raccoons. Avoid leaving pet food outside and keep compost bins securely sealed and at least 20 feet away from your home. Properly maintaining and cleaning bird feeders can also help prevent raccoon attraction. Installing a strong barrier fence made of solid materials like wood or vinyl can keep raccoons out of your yard. For added protection, an electric fence can be highly effective. Finally, sealing all gaps and openings in your attic, chimney, and walls will prevent raccoons from nesting and accessing your home.

    electric fence to keep raccoons out

    Note: Installing an electric fence can be a powerful raccoon deterrent.

    Getting Rid of Raccoons Humane

    When it comes to removing raccoons from your property, it is important to prioritize humane and natural methods. By identifying their harborage areas, removing food sources, and sealing entry points, you can effectively get rid of raccoons.

    In your yard or garden, investing in a professional grub treatment can deter raccoons by removing their food sources. Properly securing trash cans, bringing in outdoor pet or bird food at night, and keeping a clean lawn are also essential in minimizing raccoon attraction.

    In areas like attics, walls, roofs, and chimneys, it is recommended to hire a professional to remove raccoons safely and humanely. Setting live traps can also be effective in catching and removing raccoons from your property.

    Finally, for bird feeders, hanging them high, using narrow poles, and adding raccoon guards can help prevent raccoon access.

    electric fence for raccoons

    Removing Raccoons from Specific Areas

    When dealing with raccoons in specific areas, it is crucial to tailor your removal strategies accordingly. Different spaces require different approaches to effectively eliminate raccoon presence. Here are some specialized methods for removing raccoons from specific areas:

    1. Attic:

    Raccoons often seek shelter in attics, but before taking action, it is essential to determine if there are baby raccoons present. If babies are found, it is best to allow the mother raccoon to raise them before removing them, as separating the mother and babies can be harmful. To remove raccoons from the attic, consider the following:

    • Install one-way doors that allow raccoons to exit but not re-enter the attic.
    • Seal all entry points to prevent raccoon re-entry.

    2. Walls and Chimneys:

    Removing raccoons from walls and chimneys can be challenging and potentially hazardous. It is recommended to seek professional help to ensure safe removal. Professionals will employ methods such as:

    • Identifying entry points and sealing them appropriately.
    • Using specialized equipment and techniques to safely capture and remove the raccoons.

    3. Chicken Coops and Under Decks:

    Raccoons are known to target chicken coops and seek refuge under decks. To prevent raccoons from entering these areas, consider the following measures:

    • Use hardware cloth with small openings to cover openings and secure access points.
    • Regularly inspect coop or deck structures for weaknesses and repair any damage.

    Additionally, remove any food, water, or bedding sources that raccoons may be utilizing in these areas.

    Remember, it is crucial to address raccoon infestations promptly and effectively, as they can cause significant damage and pose potential health risks. Taking appropriate actions to remove raccoons from specific areas will help safeguard your property and ensure a raccoon-free environment.

    raccoon deterrent

    Advantages of Removing Raccoons from Specific AreasDisadvantages of Removing Raccoons from Specific Areas
    Raccoons are removed from targeted spaces, reducing damage and potential health risks.Removing raccoons from specific areas may require professional assistance, incurring additional costs.
    Prevents raccoon nest-building and potential property damage.It may be challenging to determine the exact location of raccoon activity, making removal more difficult.
    Eliminates food, water, and nesting sources, discouraging raccoons from returning to these areas.Raccoons may relocate to other areas on your property if alternative shelter and food sources are available.

    Keeping Raccoons Away from Bird Feeders

    Raccoons can be persistent when it comes to accessing bird feeders. To keep them away, there are several effective strategies you can employ:

    1. Hanging feeders high with thin poles: Raccoons are agile climbers, but by hanging your bird feeders at least 10 feet high, with thin poles that make it challenging for them to grip, you can deter their attempts to reach the feed.
    2. Adding raccoon guards: These are specifically designed circular barriers that can be installed around the pole-mounted feeders. They create a physical barrier that prevents raccoons from reaching the bird feeders from below.
    3. Using raccoon-resistant feeders: Some feeders are designed with features that make them more difficult for raccoons to access. Look for feeders with weight-sensitive mechanisms that close off access to the food when a certain weight limit is exceeded.

    Regular cleaning of the area around bird feeders is essential to minimize raccoon attraction. Raccoons are attracted to the smell of leftover food, so be sure to remove any spilled seeds or debris. If raccoon problems persist, consider avoiding the use of suet cakes, as they tend to be particularly attractive to raccoons.

    For additional protection, you can also consider installing strip or electric fencing on fences close to your home or roof. This creates an additional physical barrier that deters raccoons from accessing your property. Electric raccoon fences can deliver a harmless yet effective deterrent, ensuring your bird feeders remain raccoon-free.


    To effectively keep raccoons at bay and maintain a critter-free environment, it is important to implement a combination of preventive measures. These include installing electric raccoon fences, sealing entry points, removing food sources, setting live traps, and working with professionals when needed. By following these strategies, you can safeguard your garden, protect your property, and ensure peace of mind in dealing with raccoon control.

    The installation of electric raccoon fences provides a reliable deterrent against raccoons. By spacing fence posts appropriately and using multiple wires close to the ground, you can prevent raccoons from digging under or jumping over the fence. Zareba® Systems offers complete lawn and garden fence kits for easy installation.

    Sealing entry points such as holes and openings in your attic, chimney, and walls is crucial to prevent raccoons from gaining access to your property. By eliminating food sources like trash cans, pet food, and bird feeders, you can reduce the attraction of raccoons. Setting live traps and working with professionals when necessary ensures effective raccoon removal.

    By implementing these preventive measures, you can create a critter-free environment and enjoy your garden without the nuisance of raccoons. Take action today to protect your property and achieve peace of mind in dealing with raccoon control.


    How does an electric raccoon fence work?

    An electric raccoon fence works by delivering a low-intensity electric shock to deter raccoons from entering your property. The fence is designed with wires that are spaced close to the ground and utilize a low-impedance fence charger to maximize effectiveness.

    What components are included in a complete electric raccoon fence kit?

    A complete electric raccoon fence kit typically includes fence posts, wires, insulators, a low-impedance fence charger, and all necessary hardware for easy installation. Zareba® Systems offers complete lawn and garden fence kits for convenient setup.

    How can I prevent raccoons from digging under or jumping over the fence?

    You can prevent raccoons from digging under or jumping over the fence by spacing the fence posts appropriately, keeping the wires close to the ground, and using multiple wires. Additionally, regular maintenance to trim low branches and remove nearby objects that raccoons can climb or leap from is recommended.

    What fencing options are recommended for controlling feral hogs?

    Non-electric fences constructed of net wire or diamond mesh with spacing between vertical wires of 6 inches or less are recommended for controlling feral hogs. Rectangular net wire with spacing between vertical wires of 4 to 10 inches can be used to contain goats and exclude wild hogs. High-tensile fencing with 5 to 6 strands of wire spaced 8 to 10 inches apart is the most effective means of excluding feral hogs.

    What type of fence charger is recommended for electrified hog fences?

    Zareba® low impedance chargers with a 25+ mile rating and voltage output of at least 5,000 volts are recommended for electrified hog fences. These chargers provide a strong and consistent electric shock to deter feral hogs.

    How do I humanely trap and remove raccoons from my property?

    Live cage traps are the most humane and commonly used method for trapping and removing raccoons. These traps lure raccoons into a box-like structure with bait and trigger the trap door to close behind them. Once caught, the raccoons can be safely removed from your property.

    How can I prevent raccoon infestations in my yard or garden?

    To prevent raccoon infestations, it is important to eliminate food sources and seal entry points. This includes securing trash in animal-proof containers, avoiding leaving pet food outside, and keeping compost bins securely sealed. Installing a strong barrier fence made of solid materials like wood or vinyl and trimming low branches can also help keep raccoons out of your yard.

    What are some humane methods for getting rid of raccoons?

    Humane methods for getting rid of raccoons include removing food sources, sealing entry points, setting live traps, and working with professionals when necessary. By taking these measures, you can effectively deter raccoons without causing harm to the animals.

    How can I remove raccoons from specific areas like attics and chimneys?

    To remove raccoons from specific areas like attics and chimneys, it is recommended to hire a professional who can safely and humanely remove the raccoons. In some cases, one-way doors can be installed to allow raccoons to exit the area but prevent them from re-entering.

    What steps can I take to keep raccoons away from bird feeders?

    To keep raccoons away from bird feeders, it is important to hang the feeders high with thin poles that are difficult for raccoons to climb. Adding raccoon guards to pole-mounted feeders and using raccoon-resistant feeders can also help prevent access. Regularly cleaning the area around bird feeders and avoiding the use of suet cakes can further discourage raccoon attraction.

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